Thursday, February 17, 2011

Lung Cancer Survival Rate

Mortality is a given fact for any living being in this world. Someday even the toughest cockroach may die of old age or being stepped on. The lifespan of a human being may range depending on the lifestyle he or she has. Sometimes we die like cockroaches, on freak accidents or suffer a terminal disease. Terminal diseases like cancer can shorten one’s life span to a matter of years and at worse months. Lung cancer survival rate greatly depends on the stage or gravity of the body’s exposure to the malignant cancer cells.

Lung cancer survival rate at the worst case of a stage four cancer, may limit one’s lifespan form 6 months to a year to live. Since at the worst stage, the cancer cells have already expanded to other systems of the body like the nervous or digestive system. Even with an operation and the other recommended treatments the chances of these to succeed will not be effective hence the cancer cells have already expanded beyond control. A stage one lung cancer survival rate will go up to as high as ninety percent chance of success in operation. There is still a small percentage that the malignant cancer cells will still replicate but these will be easily seen and cured by a specialist who operated the patient.

Lung cancer survival rate can be increased with the proper information and knowledge of the disease. If one sees the symptoms of cancer in their body they shouldn’t be afraid to seek help since at the earliest stages is the best chance to remove this disease inhabiting in their body.

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