Today’s generation have been aligned with the technical revolution to which young men and women could learn a lot through the advancement in information. They could learn language, science and health in just a matter of pointing the browser to the right destination. Disease just like technology evolves possibly each and every day. Like any other disease cancer is a disease that will spare no individual; it could affect children and adults alike and it has no age restrictions. Some cancers are very aggressive much to the likes of inflammatory breast cancer.
Inflammatory breast cancer is a type of breast cancer where the man or woman’s breast becomes tender and swollen. This type of cancer’s tumor is much more aggressive than the common breast cancer. Around six percent of the total breast cancer reports in the United States of America are inflammatory breast cancer to which this rare cancer type makes it much more dangerous because of its assertive nature. At stage three where the tumor has almost completely expanded through the entire breast, the man or woman with inflammatory breast cancer can have a forty percent survival rate while at stage four the mortality rate drops down to just twenty percent.
With this generation where information has been just a click away, people may benefit on ways on preventing certain diseases given the right information. If there where possible ways in acquiring Inflammatory breast cancer with the way we live our life, then we better change our lifestyle so we can kiss the dreaded disease goodbye.
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